What is back-pain?

In simple words, back-pain is the pain in backbone. A study shows that at one point of life we all experience back-pain, the prevalence being higher as the age progresses. In order to understand why back-pain occurs and why usually it is lower back that suffers from pain we have to know the basic make up of human body. 

Backbone is made up of many small bones connected to each other. These small bones that makes up backbone are called vertebra (that's why we are vertebrate) or spine. When viewed from side, the column of spine is S shaped and many structures passes through it. The spine should be strong and stable enough to withstand overall body weight and it should also be flexible enough to allow various movements to the body.

One of the most common type of back-pain arises due to strain in the muscle surrounding the spine. This mostly happens in the curve in the neck region and lower back region because these areas support more weight of the body. That's why most of the cases of pain comes from neck region and lower back.

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