Quantum Speed Reading- Can a book be read just by flipping pages?

Quantum Speed Reading

Before starting to read I want you to look at the watch and take note of time.

Recently when I was going through the web, I got to see the video of a boy who was viral for his ability to memorize.  The boy claims to be able to read a thousand page book in about 10 minutes and can recall everything. I was really amazed by his speed and questioned myself whether this is possible or not. Earlier I had heard about photographic memory but I found this boy different. As I continued to dig deeper into the topic I got to know about the concept of “Quantum Speed Reading” which could best describe that boy’s presentation.

Imagine yourself reading. Most of us have imagined ourselves sitting in study table, book in front of us and going line by line through the book. What if we could just flip the pages of the book and get all the information of the book? Sounds strange right? But substituting our traditional method of studying a teacher from Japan has come up with a very new way of studying which we are about to discuss here. This study method might be new for us, but it has been in practice in Japan for about a decade now.  This fast reading method is given the name “Quantum Speed Reading”

The information which I am about to share here is not so much from medical literature but from the founder of the concept of Quantum Speed Reading, “Ms. Yumiko Tobitani”

What is Quantum Speed Reading (QSR)

Image Source: exportersindia.com

Quantum Speed Reading is a completely new way of reading introduced in Japan. Ms. Tobitani shared the ideas related to this in her book “Quantum Speed Reading”. This book was originally published in Japanese and been practiced only in Japan. But at this time, the book has been translated in English and German as well and the concept is said to be practiced in different parts of the world.

 According to this concept, we don’t even need to open the book. The book is simply held up in front of reader’s face and the pages are flipped rapidly using thumb much like when preparing to shuffle playing cards.

Ms. Tobitani: “QSR was developed as a new educational approach to bring children from all over world together. When you flip the pages of the book, images start to appear that help you understand its contents. Another wonderful thing is that even if the text is written in French, German or English, it would be translated to your own language and connects to images so that you understand the book immediately. What seems to be going on here is that when you flip the pages, the high-performance computer in your right brain starts up. And this in turn activates brain translation and functions. How does this happen? The secret is in the three-layered structure of the brain. When the pages are flipped through, the information goes directly into the interbrain or diencephalon, where the deep subconscious resides. From there it goes into the brain and cerebrum. Most importantly, we humans are all living beings on this earth. The instinct of love, the bond and the intimacy between a mother and child, all play a part in nurturing the child’s self-awareness, which brings out this ability. Thus, from the brain’s three-layered structure, telepathy (and all languages), and the bond between mother and child, a new educational approach was born. “

So the main highlights of the quantum speed reading are:

1.     Readers share one common universal language which the author has given the name of quantum language. This language is said to be understandable by all. She claims that even if we read a book written in non-native language, the images come out of book when we flip the page and the right brain is able to convert those images into our own language if we practice QSR.

2.     By quickly flipping the pages to Quantum Speed Read a book, you will connect with your deeper brain in the diencephalon. This activity will allow a transformation in the cerebrum to occur and draw out new powers for studying, health, everyday living, artistic ability, sport and so on. So this is not only a method that allows you to read a book quickly and easily, or simply to understand the content of the book.

3.     Physical contact through using your body is very important as it is the deep love bond of mother and child which creates the child's sense of existence. Through such instinctual contact the right brain opens and unfolds this amazing power from within the child.

Can I practice Quantum Speed Reading?

According to Tobitani, QSR is mainly for children but adults can also do this with regular practice. She actually answers this in a very philosophical way which is:

“There is a mere 0.05% difference between the abilities of a genius and those of a normal person. That means therefore there is an amazing ability within each one of us. There is thus no need for us to try to be like other people. Doing things your own way is fine. From that point your unique personality emerges. "The answer lies within yourself" is what we are stressing here. For example if you were to ask yourself whether or not you liked yourself the answer would be "No!" in many cases. There are not many people who can say, "I really like myself a lot." The feeling of really liking oneself is surely based on a sense of existence. That sense of existence comes from raising that little child who is within you. For that to happen try going back to yourself as a fetus and asking yourself to remember what your mission is and what is the meaning in your being born.”

How did the concept of Quantum Speed Reading begin?

It all began 'by accident' as most of us are fond of saying. One day, ace teacher Yumiko Tobitani was doing a lesson with children at the Shichida Child Academy in Tokyo. She asked the children to quickly, then slowly, flick through the pages of a book for a total of thirty times. Each child had their own chair that they took to a spot where they felt most relaxed and proceeded to flick through the pages of the book. After finishing, they came back to their desks.

However there was one child who stayed back. Ms. Tobitani could see that this child looked really involved in the book and thought, "Oh well I'll just leave him to carry on". Just after she had done this she heard the sound of the chair being dragged back across the floor and there was the child back at his desk. Then he simply said, "That was really fun." When kids show some kind of a change in their speech or behavior Yumiko generally tries to listen to them. So she asked this particular student what was going on.

The astonishing reply led to the creation of QSR. The eight year old student said, "I saw pictures coming out of the pages and I understood everything in the book". Yumiko, through her long experience as a teacher in non-linear learning, instantly realized a function of the right brain's imagery was at work with this child. The right brain is deeply connected to speed. So when a book is flipped through at high speed the words are transformed into images and come out as pictures. Naturally the other kids had no idea what was going on and just sat there amazed.

She decided to have some other children have a try at it. All of them did exactly the same, flipping through the pages. Amazingly all of them saw images coming out. The right brain has the ability to communicate information so that it is understandable to everyone. This is called resonance. Therefore when everybody has a desire to learn it or the desire to see it, this ability gets transmitted to everyone as a resonating vibration. Because of this an entirely new way of reading books was born and Yumiko Tobitani decided to call it, 'Quantum Speed Reading'.

Techniques of Quantum Speed Reading

Image Credit: publish0x.com

To actually understand all the techniques we have to refer to the book of her which is “Quantum Speed Reading”. However, some of the ideas have been shared. The key to QSR is to be able to see images. The trainings for this are:

1.     Staring technique

2.     Image lag training: Staring at orange card or light.

3.     Breathing pattern training

4.     Relaxation-concentration-envisioning technique

5.     Eye training: Training for rapid up and down movement of the eye.

6.     Rapid Page Flipping technique

There are various exercises given to train ourselves in these techniques. What’s actually amazing is that when we are rapid page flipping, we are not supposed to follow the words. Since adults have the natural tendency to follow the printed word when they read, initially this technique is practiced blindfold or in a very dark light. This thing is quite hard to digest. The author says we are supposed to feel the vibration and wave when we flip the page. We see the colors and images coming out of book and we visualize book and ourselves becoming one and understand the content. This is probably the hardest part.

It is important to make a pleasing sound and to be gentle when you flick the pages.


The techniques definitely seem to improve concentration power, but few things are hard to believe like to read and grasp all the content of the book without actually going through each words but just feeling. However, there has been claims by many people practicing QSR that it works. There are many study methods to improve the concentration and increase will to study. It has been practiced in few countries of the world. Till this time, QSR is a theory and many claims have been there that it works but there isn’t sufficient data to call this statistically significant. Maybe it works if we can really concentrate. There are few sources which say Osho read about 150,000 books in his lifetime because of Quantum Speed Reading. So, there can be some technique that helps us to read pretty fast and QSR may be the one.

At last, look at the time again and calculate the time you took to read this article. Now imagine yourself reading a whole book in 10 minutes. Afterall, QSR is all about visualizing ourselves doing things.

“Imagination is such a power that you can’t imagine”

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  1. Replies
    1. In theory--- YES but hasn't been proved scientifically
      Take it like a concept of time-travel.... It is possible in theory but hasn't been proved.
